101 Roses of Grace
This luxurious bouquet in a basket, featuring 101 Pink O’Hara peony roses, will create an unforgettable impact. The elegant roses, with their soft pink hues and exquisite fragrance, bring an atmosphere of refined beauty. The exclusivity of this bouquet is highlighted by its sophisticated arrangement and harmonious blend of colors, sure to evoke awe in anyone who sees it. This is the perfect choice for those who want to make a statement and give a true masterpiece.
Care Instructions fo...
Care Instructions for the Bouquet in Floral Foam
1. Keep the floral foam moist: Regularly check the floral foam (every 2-3 days) to ensure it stays hydrated. Add water as needed to keep the roses fresh and vibrant.
2. Place in a cool spot: Keep the bouquet in a cool area, away from direct sunlight, heaters, or drafts, to prevent the flowers from wilting.
3. Avoid moisture on the basket: Be cautious not to get the basket wet, as it may damage the materials. Focus on keeping the floral foam moist instead.
4. Trim stems if needed: If the roses begin to wilt, trim the stems slightly at an angle to allow for better water absorption.
5. Light dusting: Gently dust the roses and basket with a soft brush to keep them looking fresh and avoid any buildup.
With proper care, this exquisite bouquet will remain beautiful and continue to impress for an extended perio
Flower Type | Rose |
Flower color | White |