Enchanted Garden
This bouquet consists of spray roses in various shades, ranging from pure white to soft pink, gentle yellow, warm orange, and even creamy tones. Each color adds a unique touch to the bouquet. White roses symbolize purity and innocence, pink ones represent tenderness and care, yellow ones bring joy and light, and orange ones convey energy and passion. Together, they form a beautiful, layered composition.
Additional touches like green eucalyptus or aspidistra leaves, as well as small accents of baby’s breath or lavender, add texture and lightness. This bouquet is vibrant yet refined, making it perfect for a variety of celebratory occasions, such as weddings, anniversaries, or any important event.
Caring for spray roses involves several key aspects to ensure their health and long-lasting blooms:
1. Location: Spray roses thrive in sunny spots where they can receive 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. This helps them grow strong and bloom abundantly.
2. Watering: Regular watering is necessary, especially during hot weather. However, overwatering should be avoided, as it can lead to root rot. It’s better to water deeply but less frequently, encouraging roots to grow deeper.
3. Pruning: Regular pruning promotes healthy growth. Remove wilted flowers, and trim any old or diseased branches. In early spring, prune the bushes by cutting away damaged or weak parts to encourage new growth.
4. Fertilizing: Roses need regular feeding. Use fertilizers designed for roses that contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. In spring and summer, fertilizers high in nitrogen promote growth, while in autumn, those rich in phosph
Flower Type | Rose |
Flower color | White |