Graceful Harmony
This delicate bouquet of 25 roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, and greenery creates an elegant and refined impression. The white and pastel roses symbolize purity and love, carnations add depth and texture, while chrysanthemums represent respect and everlasting memory. The eucalyptus and greenery bring freshness and harmony to the composition, making the bouquet light and airy. This bouquet is perfect for solemn and romantic occasions when it’s important to express sincere feelings and respect.
Caring for a bouquet of 25 roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, and greenery involves a few simple yet important steps to keep it fresh for as long as possible:
1. Water: Fill the vase with fresh water and change it regularly (every 2-3 days) to avoid contamination. If available, add flower food to the water to extend the life of the bouquet.
2. Trimming: Trim the stems by 2-3 cm at an angle each time you change the water to improve water absorption. This is especially important for roses and carnations.
3. Temperature and Light: Place the bouquet in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight, drafts, and heat sources (such as radiators or appliances), as high temperatures will speed up wilting.
4. Greenery and Eucalyptus: These plants tend to last longer but still require regular water changes and fresh cuts to prevent mold growth.
5. Removing Wilting Flowers: If any flowers start to wilt, remove them to prevent them from affecting the other blooms in the bouquet.
Following these simple tips will help prolong the bouquet’s life and maintain its beauty for a longer time.
Flower Type | Rose |
Flower color | Pink |