Butterfly Grace
This bouquet is a graceful and vibrant arrangement of pink roses, delicate lilies, and a selection of seasonal blooms, adorned with elegant golden butterfly accents. Wrapped in soft lavender paper and finished with a matching purple ribbon, it offers a perfect blend of charm and sophistication, making it a truly stunning gift.
Care Instructions for the “Butterfly Grace” Bouquet:
1. Trim the stems at an angle (about 1 inch) before placing the bouquet in water.
2. Use a clean vase filled with fresh, cool water.
3. Add flower food to the water to prolong freshness.
4. Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts.
5. Change the water and re-trim the stems every 2-3 days.
6. Remove any wilted flowers or leaves to maintain the bouquet’s beauty.
With proper care, your bouquet will stay fresh and vibrant for days!
Flower Type | Lily |
Flower color | Pink |