Lily Rose Delight
Elegance in Bloom
This stunning bouquet combines the purity of white roses with the bold beauty of red lilies, creating a captivating contrast of colors. Wrapped in soft, neutral-toned paper, the bouquet offers a balanced blend of elegance and vibrancy, perfect for making a memorable statement on any occasion.
Care Instructions for Elegance in Bloom Bouquet
1. Watering: Fill a clean vase with fresh, cool water, ensuring the stems are fully submerged. Change the water every 2-3 days to keep the flowers hydrated and fresh.
2. Trimming: Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle by 1-2 cm each time you change the water. This will help the flowers absorb water more effectively.
3. Temperature and Light: Keep the bouquet in a cool area, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts. Lilies and roses thrive in moderate temperatures.
4. Removing Foliage in Water: Make sure no leaves or greenery are submerged in the water to avoid bacterial growth and decay, which can shorten the bouquet’s lifespan.
5. Removing Wilting Flowers: Gently remove any wilting or damaged flowers to maintain the beauty and freshness of the bouquet.
By following these simple steps, your “Elegance in Bloom” bouquet will remain beautiful and vibrant for as long as possible.
Flower Type | Lily |
Flower color | White |