White Passion
Pure Elegance (51 pcs)
This stunning bouquet features 51 pristine white roses, perfectly arranged to create a breathtaking and elegant display. Wrapped in delicate, textured white paper and tied with a satin ribbon, this bouquet exudes purity and sophistication. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking a refined, classic look for any special occasion.
Care Instructions for a 51-Rose Bouquet
1. Watering: Fill a clean vase with fresh, cool water and make sure the stems are submerged. Change the water every 2-3 days to keep the roses fresh.
2. Trimming: Trim the stems about 1-2 cm at a 45-degree angle every time you change the water. This helps the roses absorb water more efficiently and prevents air bubbles from forming in the stems.
3. Temperature and Light: Keep your bouquet in a cool area, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts. Extreme temperatures can cause the roses to wilt faster.
4. Removing Foliage in Water: Ensure no leaves or greenery are submerged in water to prevent decay and the growth of bacteria, which can shorten the life of your bouquet.
5. Removing Wilted Flowers: Remove any wilting or damaged roses promptly. This will help the remaining flowers stay fresh longer.
By following these simple care tips, your 51-rose bouquet will stay beautiful for days, continuing to brighten your space.
Flower Type | Rose |
Flower color | White |