White Serenity (55 roses)
This basket arrangement, featuring 55 roses in a range of colors from white and pink to deep red, creates a vibrant and elegant accent in any space. Each rose symbolizes love and passion, and their smooth transition from soft hues to rich reds creates a striking and harmonious combination. The basket arrangement looks elegant and full, making it the perfect choice for any celebration or as a luxurious gift for someone special.
Care Instructions for the Basket Arrangement
1. Keep the roses hydrated: Trim the stems at an angle and place the arrangement in fresh water as soon as possible. Ensure the water level covers the stems to keep all flowers hydrated.
2. Change the water regularly: Change the water every 2-3 days to prevent bacteria buildup and help the roses stay fresh longer.
3. Avoid direct sunlight and heat: Place the basket in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or drafts to keep the roses vibrant.
4. Remove wilted flowers: Gently remove any wilted or damaged roses to keep the arrangement looking fresh and elegant.
5. Light dusting: Lightly dust the flowers with a soft brush to maintain their beauty.
With these care instructions, your rose arrangement will stay stunning and vibrant for as long as possible!
Flower Type | Rose |
Flower color | White |